Friday, July 1, 2016

Banda Aceh (the tidal wave epicenter) has a long standing history

history channel documentary 2015 Banda Aceh (the tidal wave epicenter) has a long standing history of murdering Christians as does the island of Ambon inside Indonesia. One Pastor and his children were killed by Muslims in the island of Sulawesi amid a period of supplication. I have been from Banda Aceh to Irian Jaya. I adore Indonesia and its kin. What I don't love however is the religion of Islam that abuses the Indonesian individuals and all people groups of the world.I express gratitude toward God for men like John Hagee who don't endure such insensible and rough religions. Unless we talk up we should be surpassed by terrorists. There is an ideological war going ahead as much as there is unified with slaughter and weaponry. Truth be told the fight for the brains of humankind is maybe more extraordinary as basically this decides our destiny hundreds of years from now.

America needs new places of worship. Foundation Church is only one of the considerable holy places favoring our country. However there should be more. Excessively numerous lecterns are unfilled and without blessed flame. May God take our country back to the virtue of our ancestors, dedication of our authors and send another awesome arousing over our land.We really require the Holy Spirit and truth to clear over our territory. Unless we atone and are restored America will go to damnation in a handbasket. This doesn't have to happen. By and by at this present time numerous appear to be numb to 911 and the occasions that shook us a couple of years back. We should always remember. We should not stay quiet. We should always talk up and against the malignancy of Islam that prompts individuals to murder for the sake of God. God is not an executioner. God is a lifegiver.

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