Tuesday, May 24, 2016

After supplication, years prior

history channel documentary science After supplication, years prior, God guaranteed that His GREAT INSPIRATION would bring about a GREAT PUBLICATION (Prov. 1:23; Ps. 68:11). Past Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall showcases those valuable truths to the world (Isa. 45:3). I understand the two witnesses are viewed as dubious figures (Rev. 11:10; Jer. 15:10), however they should intensely proclaim God's judgments (Micah 3:8). All things considered, it's the LORD'S CONTROVERSY (Micah 6:1-2). The savvy will hear this INTERNATIONAL THUNDER and take cover (Rev. 10; Prov. 27:12).

The message of God will thunder from Jerusalem, and both the sky and the Earth will tremble at His Word (Joel 3:16). Herbert W. Armstrong said when God's chance comes, the plain truth about conventional Christianity would drop like a BOMBSHELL (USBIP). God's Time has come! Past Babylon blasts that "news bomb" with FULL FORCE! There's no keeping down. (Amid my cross examination by Israeli Secret Service operators, I let them know my book is the main explosives I'm required with).

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