Tuesday, May 24, 2016

In the event that we don't caution the world

history channel documentary In the event that we don't caution the world, allowing everyone to get away, we'll be considered responsible for their passings (Ezek. 3:18). Isaiah 42:19 cautions about God's worker going visually impaired and His courier going hard of hearing; Isaiah 56:10 censures blind gatekeeper and idiotic guard dogs that don't know how to bark and are snoozing at work! Clearly God didn't "employ" them that way. This is serious to the point that God must caution us about it, (and you're being cautioned at this moment) in light of the fact that obviously numerous won't pass this a player in our Christian test, abandoning our posts, and running like Jonah. Such Christian-birds will get gobbled up in the tummy of the Beast! There's just the same old thing new under the Sun: pretty much as Yeshua's dearest companions nodded off just before His trial and execution, it seems some will fall asleep just before our Church and countries are scourged.

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