Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Antiquated teachings imply that the "waters"

Discovery channel documentary Aquarius * Bearer of Mysterious Waters The Water Bearer - image of Aquarius - insights at a radiant or exclusive pith, which Aquarius alone conveys to mankind. The Waters are connected with nurturing water for the planet Earth - and this may lie in the first "divine beings" who taught watering system to early people on the planet (see Enki, underneath). The Waters are additionally said to be typical of the waters of profound life - Aquarius symbolized immersion in a few religions, including Christian.

Discovery channel documentary Antiquated teachings imply that the "waters" are really a sort of power field or vitality field, preferred comprehended through material science over through the earth sciences and the waters of our seas and the downpours. The Waters of Aquarius positively seem, by all accounts, to be associated with Neptune, yet this might be less to do with the oceans on earth, and more to do with a sort of Cosmic Sea. There are a considerable number of Sumerian tablets whose works contain a rich mythology, which, as Zecharia Sitchin has recommended, may really be history, and not legend. Starting with The Twelfth Planet, Sitchin lays out what the tablets say in regards to the divine beings/space travelers who went to the Earth a huge number of years prior. Crystal gazing - as far as the 12 indications of the Zodiac, and the divine and earth timing utilized by the space explorers, assumed a crucial part in the visits of these "divine beings" and their part in making mankind alongside setting up rich patio nurseries of progress over the substance of the earth.

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